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Bornemann鲍诺曼 泵

价格:11元浏览:339次联系:胡小姐 / 13810823489 / 010-83265380企业:海泰美信贸易(北京)有限公司留言店铺收藏

Bornemann鲍诺曼 泵



产品类: 泵类->螺杆泵 
产品名称:  双螺杆泵  
特点:  可以抽送多相流介质  
适用介质:  高粘度介质、多相流介质  
产品品牌:  德国鲍诺曼  
应用领域:  油港、油库、原油输送、化工业、造船业  
详细说明:  流量可达:2000m3/h




   W_ 50bar






产品类: 泵类->螺杆泵 
产品名称:  鲍诺曼双螺杆泵  
特点:  适用于高粘度和多相混合的介质  
适用介质:  汽油、碳氢化合物、海水、沥青、矿物油、胶、糖浆、酸性物质、碱性物质  
产品品牌:  德国鲍诺曼 Bornemann  
应用领域:  石油开采、油库、石油化工/炼油厂、化学工业、食品加工、船用、油漆工业、制药工业、污水处理、发电厂、化妆品业等  
详细说明:   鲍诺曼双螺杆泵式一种容积式泵,其螺杆转子结构非常适合大流量范围,高吸上高度和高压差。基于简单的设计原理,双螺杆泵运转时泵内部的部件互不接触。因此双螺杆泵可以干转和泵送几乎任何介质,无论粘度高低或润滑性好坏都有很好的适应性和使用寿命。鲍诺曼双螺杆泵结实、用途广,特别适合于输送多种不同介质的情况。当介质粘度为125cSt时,高泵效和性价比体现得最为明显。



Bornemann twin screw pumps are self-priming, double ended positive displacement pumps with external timing gears and bearings. Manufactured in over 80 sizes, their design provides complete axial balancing of the rotating elements and eliminates all metal-to-metal contact within the pump.

They can handle virtually any non-homogeneous fluid, regardless of viscosity, lubricity or abrasiveness 
e. g. seawater, bitumen, molasses, lime, acid, caustic solution or hydrocarbon

While pumping there is no metal-to-metal contact within the pump housing. This allows good pumping performance even with non-lubricating and corrosive and contaminated fluids. 

As the pump rotates, the intermeshing of the two screws along with the pump housing form chambers. These chambers fill with the pumped fluid and move it from the suction side of the pump to the higher pressure discharge side of the pump.

The pump is designed to allow for reverse flow by simply changing the shaft direction. The suction becomes the dis-charge and vice versa, all without any modifications to the pump.

Wide range of applications


Pumped capacity proportional to speed

Compact construction

Direct drive without speed-reducer possible

Change of pumping direction - simple

Pumping elements - simple to replace

Easy maintenance

For almost all media and fluids

High viscosities possible

Low pulsations

Low noise level

Dry running possible

Constant flow on varying pressures and volumes

Very good suction performance up to NPSH

1 - 1,5 m/3 - 5 feet

Engineered 2-piece shaft and screw construction

Bornemann progressive cavity pumps are compact, rugged and powerful. They are available in various power ratings and combinations of materials. They have proved their value world-wide in public and industrial waste water treatment and in waste disposal. 

They are an optimum solution to conveying tasks in the chemical and petrochemical industries, the food, cosmetics and paper industries, in building construction, mining and general industry - everywhere the conveyed product is too viscous and flows too poorly to be pumped by other types of pumps.

Bornemann progressive cavity pumps consist of only one moving part - a driven metal (inelastic) rotor, rotating within an elastomer lined (elastic) stator. As the rotor turns, chambers are formed between the rotor and stator. These chambers progress axially from the suction to discharge end, moving the fluid.

By increasing the pitch of the rotor and stator, additional chambers or stages are formed. The design allows pumping in both directions, a high suction lift and cautious pumping. Due to the numerous combinations of material for rotor and stator and the cautious pumping with extremely low shear forces, the progressive cavity pumps are also highly suitable for measuring and metering tasks.


Gentle conveying

Continuous pulsation free transfer

Capable of metering

Rugged and long-life

Standard pumps

Pump executions according

Customer specifications


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