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Pompes Grosclaude泵

价格:11元浏览:369次联系:胡小姐 / 13810823489 / 010-83265380企业:海泰美信贸易(北京)有限公司留言店铺收藏

pompes grosclaude泵

MX series 
The MX series mono- and multicellular centrifugal pumps are specially designed for a wide range of uses in the chemical and fine chemicals industries and especially for difficult or corrosive products.
Thanks to their horizontal mono-block design, the MX series pumps don't take up a lot of space, making their integration into compact Skid types of assemblies easier. The pump and the motor form a monoblock set connected by flanges, with a common shaft..
 MX/S series 
The mono- and multicellular centrifugal pumps in the MX/S are specially designed for a large range of chemical and fine chemical uses, and particularly for corrosive products that are clear or loaded or low-temperature products.
Thanks to their horizontal monoblock design, the MX/S pumps don't take up a lot of space, making their integration into compact "Skid" types of assemblies easier. The pump and the motor form a monoblock set connected by flanges, with a common shaft.
 MRX series 
The mono- and multicellular centrifugal pumps in the MRX series are specially designed for the transfer or flow of thermal, corrosive or aggressive products. This pump technology allows operation at both negative and positive extreme temperatures.
Thanks to their horizontal mono-block design, the MRX series pumps do not take up a lot of space, making their integration into compact "Skid" types of assemblies easier. The pump and the motor form a mono-block set connected by flanges, with a common shaft.
 MGX series 
The mono- and multicellular centrifugal pumps in the MGX series are specially designed for a large range of chemical and fine chemical uses, and particularly for products that are corrosive and dangerous to humankind and the environment.
The MGX pumps are designed to avoid any leaks, even fugitive ones, of products pumped outdoors. This specific tightness is obtained using magnetic coupling that can be used with either hot or cold products.
Thanks to their horizontal monoblock design, the MGX pumps do not take up a lot of space making their integration into compact Skid types of assemblies easier.
 LF series 
The LF series centrifugal pumps are specially designed for a large range of varied industry uses.
Thanks to an In-Line, mono-block design, the LF series pumps do not take up a lot of space, making their integration into compact Skid types of assemblies easier.
The pump and the motor form a mono-block set connected by flanges, with a common shaft.
 LR series 
The self-cooling centrifugal pumps in the LR, series are specially designed for the flow of thermal fluids and for use under extreme temperatures.
Because of their mono-block design and In-Line installation, LR pumps take up limited space, which makes their integration into compact Skid assemblies much easier.
The pump and the motor form a mono-block set connected by flanges, with a common shaft.
 LGF/LGX Series 
The centrifugal pumps in the LGF, series are specially designed for industrial use of thermal fluids and for environmental protection.
The LGF pumps are designed to avoid any leaks, even fugitive ones, of products pumped outdoors. This specific tightness is obtained using magnetic coupling that can be used with either hot or cold products.
Because of their monoblock design and In-Line, assembly, LGF pumps take up limited space, which makes their integration into compact "Skid" assemblies much easier.
 MF series 
The mono- and multicellular MF series centrifugal pumps are specially designed for a large range of industrial uses.
Thanks to their horizontal mono-block design, the MF series pumps don't take up a lot of space, making their integration into compact Skid types of assemblies easier. The pump and the motor form a mono-block set connected by flanges, with a common shaft. Different types of API-conformed tightness are available and the mechanical seals conform with DIN 24 960.
 MR series 
The self-cooling, mono and multicellular centrifugal pumps in the MR series are specially designed for the flow of thermal fluids and for use under extreme temperatures.
With a unique design that takes up less space, they easily integrate into industrial assemblies. Direct coupling, without motor alignment, ensures easy maintenance.
 ALFA M Series 
The standard centrifugal monoblock pumps in the ALFA M series are specially designed for a large range of varied industry uses. Their hydraulic sizes and performance comply with norm
ISO 2858 or NF 44 121.
Thanks to a horizontal monoblock design, the ALFA M series pumps don't take up a lot of space, making their integration into compact "Skid" types of assemblies easier. The pump and the motor (standard available on the market) form a monoblock joined together by flanges.
LF series 
The LF series centrifugal pumps are specially designed for a large range of varied industry uses.
Thanks to an In-Line, mono-block design, the LF series pumps do not take up a lot of space, making their integration into compact Skid types of assemblies easier.
The pump and the motor form a mono-block set connected by flanges, with a common shaft.
 LR series
The self-cooling centrifugal pumps in the LR, series are specially designed for the flow of thermal fluids and for use under extreme temperatures.
Because of their mono-block design and In-Line installation, LR pumps take up limited space, which makes their integration into compact Skid assemblies much easier.
The pump and the motor form a mono-block set connected by flanges, with a common shaft.
 LGF/LGX Series 
The centrifugal pumps in the LGF, series are specially designed for industrial use of thermal fluids and for environmental protection.
The LGF pumps are designed to avoid any leaks, even fugitive ones, of products pumped outdoors. This specific tightness is obtained using magnetic coupling that can be used with either hot or cold products.
Because of their monoblock design and In-Line, assembly, LGF pumps take up limited space, which makes their integration into compact "Skid" assemblies much easier.
EX-BX series 
The EX-BX series centrifugal process pumps are specially designed for a wide range of uses in the chemical and fine chemicals industries - especially for difficult and/or corrosive products.
Because they are secured to baseplates, the EX-BX pumps can be used for a wide variety of industrial purposes. Assembly using spacer coupling makes maintenance much easier.
Different API Plan are available and the all mechanical seals are in conformity with DIN 24 960.
 EVX-BVX series 
The EVX-BVX series monocellular vortex centrifugal pumps are specially designed for the transfer of aerated or suspended particle liquids.
Because they are secured to baseplates, the EVX- BVX pumps can be used for a wide variety of industrial purposes.
Assembly using spacer coupling makes maintenance much easier.
Different types of API-conformed tightness are available and the mechanical seals conform with DIN 24 960.
 ALFA series 
The standardized centrifugal pumps in the ALFA series can be employed for a wide range of uses, specifically for challenging sectors such as the chemical or petrochemical industries. They comply perfectly with ISO 2858 or NF 44 121 standards.
Because they are secured to baseplates, the ALFA pumps can be used for a wide variety of industrial purposes. The option using spacer coupling makes maintenance much easier.
Different types of API-conformed tightness are available and the mechanical seals conform with DIN 24 960.
 ALFA R series pumps 
Self-cooling, standardized centrifugal pumps in the ALFA R series are specially designed for a large range of use and mainly for heat transfer installations (< 350?C) on thermic oils.
Their hydraulic sizes and performance comply with the norm ISO 2858 or NF 44 121.
The ALFA R pumps are secured to a baseplate and are chosen for a wide variety of uses in the industry. Assembly using spacer coupling makes maintenance easier by keeping the hydraulic and electrical parts separate.
R0 series 
The centrifugal pumps in the R0 series are specially designed for a wide range of applications requiring construction in stainless steel or finer materials.
The R0 vertical pumps are assembled on a support plate and have delivery pipes on the upper area. The length under the mounting plane can be adapted to your requirements (maximum 500 mm).
The pump hydraulics can be either monocellular or multicellular according to the circuit needs.
 R series 
The  pumps are specially designed for a wide range of chemical fluid applications.
Because of their vertical design with customised long shaft and base plate, the R series pumps can be used on all types and sizes of tanks.
Assembly with single or multiple stage open impellers allow using the R series pumps with clear or suspended-solid liquid applications.
 ALFA V series 
The single stage, vertical axis centrifugal pumps in the ALFA V series are designed around hydraulics complying to ISO 2858 or NF 44 121.
The pump's support base can serve as a tank closure, with a standpipe for liquid outlet.
According to the size of your tank, the length under the mounting plane can reach 6 meters, if needed.
MGX series 
The mono- and multicellular centrifugal pumps in the MGX series are specially designed for a large range of chemical and fine chemical uses, and particularly for products that are corrosive and dangerous to humankind and the environment.
The MGX pumps are designed to avoid any leaks, even fugitive ones, of products pumped outdoors. This specific tightness is obtained using magnetic coupling that can be used with either hot or cold products.
Thanks to their horizontal monoblock design, the MGX pumps do not take up a lot of space making their integration into compact Skid types of assemblies easier.
 LGF/LGX Series 
The centrifugal pumps in the LGF, series are specially designed for industrial use of thermal fluids and for environmental protection.
The LGF pumps are designed to avoid any leaks, even fugitive ones, of products pumped outdoors. This specific tightness is obtained using magnetic coupling that can be used with either hot or cold products.
Because of their monoblock design and In-Line, assembly, LGF pumps take up limited space, which makes their integration into compact "Skid" assemblies much easier.
ZS_SEMA series  
The ZS_SEMA side channel centrifugal pumps are self-priming multicellular with magnetic coupling. They are used for a very large range of applications, in particular for vacuum extraction, fluids with high steam pressure or raw materials in a storage tank centre.
The ZS_SEMA pumps are designed to avoid any leaks, even fugitive ones, of products pumped outdoors. This specific tightness is obtained using magnetic coupling that can be used with either hotor cold products.
ZS_SV series 
The ZS_SV vertical side channel centrifugal pumps are selfpriming mono-cellular pumps capable of conveying gas-containing liquids. This range is available with a mechanical seal in the ZS_SVG series and with a magnetic coupling in the ZS_SVM series.
These pumps take up limited space (vertical assembly). They are self-priming (including on biphasic mixes), and they are capable of re-priming in the event of cavitation.
The magnetic coupling pumps in the ZS_SVM series include a rupture detection hole on the air chamber. This hole is also found on the mechanical seal pumps (having an assembly complying with the standard DIN 24960)
M series 
The offset-piston volumetric pumps in the M series are specially designed for a wide range of uses in the chemical, fine chemical, and agri-food industries and particularly for viscous products.
Thanks to their design, the M series pumps have the following advantages:
? 100% reversible and self-priming
? Long-lasting and low shearing rate (thanks to low speed )
? Adapted for hard particulate passage (due to a compensation spring)
GV series 
The GV vacuum pump skids can integrate into a liquid ring pump, a gas injector and/or a mechanical booster pump having a control system and a recycling system for closed loop liquids.
With no discharge, the vacuum pump skids do not pollute and comply with all the European environmental protection regulations, as well as the ATEX directive.
Permanent cooling efficiently contributes to the system's durability and frees business owners from the constraints linked to installing bulky and costly fire prevention devices.


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