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浏览:97次联系:王雪琦 / 15321503125 / 企业:北京豪彼世博展览策划有限公司报名店铺收藏


The 10th Beijing Overseas Property, Immigration & Study Abroad Exhibition

2024年3月15日-3月17日(周五-周日)            15th-17th March, 2024     

北京?国家会议中心                China National Convention Center,Beijing 


同期举办:Concurrent Events:

■Overseas Days北京海外置业移民留学产业合作峰会

Overseas Days- BeijingOverseasProperty, Immigration& StudyAbroadIndustryCooperationSummit


IEOSE 2024 Beijing International Education and Overseas Study Exhibition




◆ 2024海外投资置业、移民及留学行业理想的渠道合作及直接获客平台!

Overseas P I第十届北京海外投资置业及移民留学展览会将是2024年兼具规模和理想展示效果的海外置业、移民及留学领域的重点品牌盛会。在往届成功举办的基础上,Overseas P I第十届北京海外投资置业及移民留学展将以国际化、品牌全、人气足、影响广的特点,展示来自全球的约150个海外精品项目,邀请来自各地广大渠道商、中介机构及潜在合作伙伴参与展会及行业论坛,并吸引海量的高净值家庭到场参观,搭建海外置业、移民及留学领域一站式渠道拓展、获客交流及品牌推广的展示平台!


◆ China’s Excellent Business Matchmaking & Customer Acquisition Platform for Overseas Properties & Immigration Projects. 

Overseas P I2024-The 10th Beijing OverseasProperty,Immigration & Study Abroad Exhibition stands asChina’s premier brand exhibition in the realm of overseas property &immigration, delivering optimal market promotion effects.The 10th Overseas P I will showcase about150 overseas boutique projects from around the world, gathering nearly 800 industry professionals, intermediaries and potential partners to participate in the exhibition and the industry forum. The exhibition will also attracthuge amounts of high net worth families to visit, buildingone-stopbusiness matchmaking,customer acquisitionand brand promotion platform!




◆ 活动亮点:

-B2B B2C,助力全面巩固及拓展合作渠道并直面海量高端人群!





◆ Highlights ofOverseas P I

l B2B B2C,promoting industrycooperations and facing a large number of high-end people!

l Relying on the huge market, based inNorth China,promoteto wholecountry!

l Industry cooperation summit andmatchmakingactivities, attracting the wide participation of industry professionals!

l All media matrix publicity, inviting a large number of high net worth families to visit!

◆ 适宜的推广时间,绝佳的推广地点

作为北方海外置业移民留学知名品牌展会,Overseas P I第十届北京海外置业及移民留学展于开春三月举办,将得到众多业内渠道合作人士及海量对口高端人群的到场参与;根据胡润财富2022年报告,北京是中国拥有高净值家庭最多的城市;北京及周边地区拥有庞大的行业市场和大量的从业机构,是全国推广的首选地点;国家会议中心(www.cnccchina.com)是北京城区内国家级、国际性、高端化的会展活动举办的理想场地,展馆毗邻北四环鸟巢及水立方,城铁直达,交通便利,设施一流。


◆Suitable time, excellentvenue

Asthe leading brand exhibition for overseas property, immigration & study abroad inNorth China,the 10th Overseas P Iheld in Spring, will gathera large number of industry professionals and high-endfamilies;

According toHurun Wealth 2022 Report, Beijing has the largest number of high net worth families in China;AndBeijing, as one of China's key regional markets for overseas property and immigration, serves as the ideal city for nationwide market promotion.ChinaNational Convention Center (www.cnccchina.com), a state-of-the-art exhibition venue situated in the heart of the Olympic Park. Its convenient transportation and first-class facilities make it a primeexhibitionlocation.

◆ 丰富的同期活动:

-Overseas Days北京海外置业移民留学产业合作峰会;

-IEOSE 2024北京国际教育留学展览会

-Overseas P I海外置业移民留学线上推广直播展:


◆ Rich concurrent activities

- Overseas Days:BeijingOverseasProperty, Immigration& StudyAbroadIndustryCooperationSummit

- IEOSE 2024 Beijing International Education and Overseas Study Exhibition

- Overseas P IOnlinePromotion andLiveBroadcastExhibition

- A number of overseas property and immigration project promotionseminars;


◆ 展出范围:







◆ Exhibit profile:

- Overseas real estate:

Overseas apartments, villas, commercial property and real estate developers, overseas real estate agents.

- Immigration projects:

All kinds of immigration projects,immigration agents, law firms.

- Overseas investment and finance:

Overseas funds, family wealth management, investment banking, investment consulting, financial and insurance services;

- International education:

Studyabroadagencies, overseaseducationinstitutions,overseas studytours & camps, language schools, international schools.

- International medical travel:

International medical institutions, international medical tourism, high-end health management, etc.

◆ 参加费用:






















3.Overseas P I海外置业移民留学线上推广直播展:


4.Overseas Days北京海外置业移民留学产业合作峰会:




◆ ParticipationFee:


Standard Booth:USD3800/9㎡     

Raw Exhibit Space:USD 380/㎡  ( Minimum18㎡)    

9㎡Standard Booth Includes:

Wall panels on 3 sides (2 for corner booth), fascia board with company name, 1 power point of 5A/220V, carpeting, 2 spot lights, 1 information long table, 1 round table, 6 chairs, printing and pasting wall posters (two or three sides, each 2.48m high * 2.96mwidth)

2. SponsorshipFee

Exclusive title sponsorship:USD125,000; co-organizer sponsorship:USD 28,000; supportersponsorship:USD 14,000; Forspecific rights and on-site advertising, dinner orreception sponsorship, interview publicity and other single sponsorship please contact theorganizerfor details;

3.Overseas P IOnlinePromotion andLiveBroadcastExhibition

Cooperate with theproductionteam toedit andpromote customized short videos for key brands , and conductlivebroadcasts beforeand duringthe exhibition to help online promotionand customer acquisition. Please contact the organizerfor details;

4.Overseas Days-Industry Cooperation Summit

Anexcellent communication& matchmakingplatform between overseas project parties, cooperative institutions and intermediary companies.

USD 1200 per session  (30 min.)

5.On-site Seminar Price  

USD 500 per session  (30 min.)


联系方式/Contact Information

Overseas P I第十届北京海外投资置业及移民留学展组委会


Hobby World Exhibition Co., Ltd.


Add:CIEC Business Center, China International Exhibition Center, No.6 East Beisanhuan Road, Beijing 100028

联系人Contact person:梁先生Mr. Liang ,

电话/Tel:13910024687,  电子邮箱/Email:liangchen@ciec.com.cn



下届信息/Next Session:


The 11th Beijing Overseas Property, Immigration & Study Abroad Exhibition

展会时间:2024年7月12-14日               展会地点:国家会议中心

Dates: 12th-14th July, 2024              Venue: China N


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