





    MTC Software: Number One Selling CAM Nesting Software from the USA Provides Expert Laser Support 
    Laser cutting machines require the highest levels of productivity to allow them to provide the necessary return on investment to business owners. This requires two things; a reliable, high quality laser machine and ProNest Advanced Nesting Software; from MTC Software, the number one selling CAM software from the USA. 
    To achieve high productivity and excellent part quality, CAM software must do more than just produce NC code instruction for a laser cutting machine. The software must incorporate solutions for the laser cutting process and deliver tools to overcome typical problems experienced. Let's review some of the typical challenges of the process and how ProNest from MTC Software delivers the solutions that business owners need to be profitable. 
    Problem: Corner Burn Out 
    When slowing down to cut corners on thin sheet, the laser beam overheats the corner and melts it away. 
    Solution: Automatic Corner Radius Replacement 
    ProNest looks at the imported CAD files and can be set to automatically apply a small radius to sharp corner geometries. This allows the laser to maintain higher cut speeds when cutting the corners helping to avoid corner burn out and achieve better part quality. Also overall reduced cut cycle time is achieved which means better productivity. 
    Problem: Head Crash from Tipped Part During Lights-Out Production. To maximize productivity, many laser operations run 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Those operations using automatic material loading / unloading systems often run unattended throughout the night. If a part that has been cut tips on the table and the laser head crashes in to the part then costly damage can be done to the laser head and many hours of production can result. 
    Solution: Advanced Collision Avoidance Technology / Automatic Micro-Joint Placement
ProNest offers two solutions that eliminate the possibility of a head crash. The first is Collision Avoidance. This technology looks at the nest and then modifies the cut path to make sure that the laser head will not pass over a part that has already been cut from the sheet; unless the part is specified as being too large to tip, using part size and machine slat separation distance to determine the risk of a part tipping. ProNest also uses the same technology to determine whether the laser head must be fully raised or only partially raised when passing over a part that has already been cut, which saves considerable production time. When calculating the improved cut path ProNest automatically moves all interior and exterior profile leads to minimize traverse distances and total cut time, as an additional advantage of the Collision Avoidance technology. 
    A second solution to help avoid part tip up situations is using micro joints to keep parts attached to the sheet during the cutting process. A micro joint is a small length of material that is deliberately left uncut and keeps the part joined to the sheet. They are only recommended for use with thin sheet since parts need to be separated easily from the sheet after unloading from the machine. Micro joints may be added to parts manually and automatically by ProNest when the CAD file is imported, allowing the programmer to determine the distance between micro joints and their location relative to corners, etc. After the sheet has been unloaded parts are shaken from the sheet, breaking the micro joints in the process. 
    Problem: Need to Unload Skeleton from Table Quickly After Nest is Cut to Maximize Machine Productivity 
    Solution: Skeleton Cut Up 
    For laser machines that do not have automatic material handling systems, ProNest can be programmed to cut up the sheet skeleton in to small sections that allow machine operators to quickly and easily remove them from the machine. This technology also helps ensure machine operators do not injure themselves by lifting sections of material that are too heavy or that are dangerous shapes and may cause cuts. 
    Problem: Large CNC File Size 
    Solution: Full Sub-Routine Support
Some CNC controls store sub-routines. A sub-routine is a preset list of commands that may include an extensive number of lines of CNC code and may be needed many times within a single job. Sub-routines are triggered in to action by instructions included in the NC file produced by ProNest. By supporting sub-routine operation ProNest allows the NC file to be much easier to read and smaller. 
    Problem: Need to Cut More Parts Per Hour and Save Material 
    Solution: Advanced Common Line Cutting / Common Line Cut Array
ProNest allows any number of parts with one or more straight edge to be common line cut as one group of parts. When parts are joined at the common line then one cut is made instead of two. Not only does this save cycle time it also can save considerable material; estimated at an average of 6% for a nest. Common line cut array allows a quantity of square or rectangular parts to be joined on all four sizes saving up to 75% of the cut cycle time. 
    Problem: Machine Brand-Specific Features 
    Solution: Advanced Process Parameter Tables
Many brands of laser cutting machine incorporate brand-specific technologies. ProNest is developed to operate with all brands of laser including Trumpf, Bystronic, Mitsubishi, Amada, NTC, Shibuya, Tanaka, and others, and provides full support of all of brand-specific features as well as delivers many additional process specific features. Users can define such brand-specific technologies as pulse cut, pulse pierce, water-cooling, trap door control, table repositioning, material thickness sensing, vaporization, sprintlas and non-sprintlas, nesting around clamps, and many more. 
    Problem: Control of Material Handling System and Laser 
    Solution: Advanced Material Handling Parameter System 
    ProNest incorporates advanced parameter tables to allow users to control their automated sheet and plate material loading and unloading operation and their laser with one software solution. 
    In addition to some of the laser process specific features offered by ProNest and covered above, ProNest also offers a long list of standard features that allow optimized productivity and part quality from all lasers. Such features include automatically adding the correct length and style of lead in / out for different material types and thicknesses, nesting of parts with different materials and thicknesses on the correct plate from inventory, remnant nesting and many, many more. 
    DenCol Supply is a leading service center in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region of the USA. The Company stocks a large metal inventory and makes its living by producing high quality metal parts to order. DenCol accomplishes this by featuring some of the most advanced profiling equipment available today, including an Amada laser, two Peddinghaus FDB2500 Plate machines, a Whitney punch plasma, and Esab plasma and oxyfuel machines. Shearing and sawing capabilities are also offered allowing DenCol to provide a full range of services to their customers. DenCol Supply has been using ProNest for more than 15 years. 
    DeWayne Deck, Company President of DenCol Supply commented on his company's experience using MTC Software. “It became clear that using more than one programming solution was not going to be an option. The training and maintenance issues involved were just going to create long-term costs that would negatively impact our ability to be competitive. We knew we had to find a single-source independent software solution that would work if we were going to be successful. MTC Software has aided in the integration of our cutting machines. With MTC’s single programming solution our programming time and operator training is significantly reduced. In turn this means we can do a better job of meeting our promise to customers. Since working with MTC it has been a constant improvement; it's not revolution it's evolution. We're glad to be a part of that because it keeps us on the cutting edge". 
    MTC Software is the USA’s number one selling CAM software and is a global leader in CAM nesting and HVAC DUCT software for CNC sheet and plate cutting applications, including oxyfuel, plasma, laser, waterjet, router, knife, and punch. The company's ProNest Nesting Software, TurboNest Nesting Software and Design2Fab HVAC DUCT software provide superior performance for all CNC sheet and plate cutting, including complex bevel cutting and pipe development applications. MTC's software is also used by both Hyperthem and Burny who both install MTC Software on their advanced CNC controls. 
    MTC Software is headquartered in New York, USA and was established in 1984 as an independent expert CAM software development company. In its 25 years of operation MTC Software has installed software at many thousands of customers worldwide. MTC Software customers and channel partners are supported from numerous offices in the USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Germany and the United Kingdom. The company's large team of dedicated employees has industry experience and training so all staff understand industrial cutting applications. 
    MTC Software represents the application of advanced technology that is easy to learn and use… Power Made Simple™. By selecting MTC Software, you will save material, improve part quality and productivity, and increase your profits!


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