长期回收 8596B,HP8596E,8596EM 频谱分析仪
联系: 邹先生
东莞: 13168918785
深圳: 18923859098
电话: 0755-82437689
邮箱 zqb1988623326@163.com
8596B,HP8596E,8596EM 频谱分析仪 8596B,HP8596E,8596EM 频谱分析仪
8596B,HP8596E,8596EM 频谱分析仪 8596B,HP8596E,8596EM 频谱分析仪
Agilent 8596EM|HP-8596EM EMC频谱分析仪|安捷伦
品牌:安捷伦 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP
Discontinued product - support information only.
The Agilent 8596EM is a stand-alone, automated EMC precompliance analyzer that reduces the time it takes to find, measure and document radiated and conducted EMI emissions. It belongs to the 8590EM series of EMC analyzers, which do not require an external computer and automation software to perform automated EMC measurements. With an upper frequency of 12.8 GHz, the 8596EM can perform precompliance tests on products with clock frequencies
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