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       2025年第27届孟加拉国际电力输配电及可再生能源展   27th Power Bangladesh Int'I Expo 2025



主办单位:CEMS 展览集团




第27届孟加拉电力展POWER BANGLADESH将于2025年11月在达卡隆重举行。该展得到了孟加拉电力能源部的大力支持。同期举办第22届孟加拉太阳能展和第7届孟加拉照明展,预计共同展出面积预计超过8000平方米,将会有超过300家来自世界各地的生产商、经销商、代理商云集达卡国际会议中心。

POWER BANGLADESH是孟加拉电力能源工业最佳的B2B平台,孟加拉不断增长的电力和能源需求给进入孟加拉国的商人带来更多有关电力与能源方面的大好机会,同时孟加拉工业消费者也会前来了解最先进的技术和新产品,因而POWER BANGLADESH为参展商提供一个不可错失的深入开发市场与洽谈的机会。孟加拉近年获得的投资越来越多,现正处于工业化进程中,各行业发展非常迅速,已经成为南亚最重要的商业目的地。



1、电力和热能生产:发电系统、锅炉、锅炉及辅助设备、汽轮机、电力、联合循环和燃气轮机组、热交换设备、发电机、涡轮发电机和水力发电机、蓄电池; 电力变压器等;




1、Bangladesh’s power sector is one of the fastest growing in South Asia. The growth in terms of capacity addition has been remarkable -- increasing from 5% to 28% from 2012 to 2018 according to the World Bank and the Bangladesh Power Development Board.

2、Electricity consumption has increased in line with the rise in capacity. Domestic and industrial sectors are the key power demand drivers in the country. The industrial sector has witnessed impressive growth in the last six to seven years, with a growth of 12.06% in recent years.

3、Demand for electricity in Bangladesh is projected to reach 50,000 megawatts (MW) by 2041. The Government of Bangladesh has plans to increase power generation beyond expected demand to help propel growth in the export-oriented economy and meet the needs of a growing middle class by raising $127 billion in total investments in the power generation sector.

4、To meet the country's increasing electricity demand, investment in power infrastructure will support forecast-period output in the energy and utility sector. Electricity demand is expected to reach 40 GW by 2030, prompting the government to seek USD 70 billion in investment in the sector by 2035.

5、Foreign state-owned power and utilities companies have been active in their search for suitable international power utility and grid investment opportunities which have led to an increase in FDI inflow to Bangladesh. Infact the power sector accounts for around 14% of total FDI!

6、Bangladesh has seen a swift upsurge in electricity usage and Bangladesh's grid-based electricity generation capacity increased rapidly from 5,493 megawatts (MW) to 23,482MW over the last 14 years (from 2009 to January 2023). At the moment more than 80% of the population have access to electricity which is more than 160 Million citizens.

7、There is an increasing demand for efficient modern electric generators in Bangladesh. This is because the sector as a whole accounts for more than two-thirds of global greenhouse-gas emissions, with over 40% of this stemming from power generation. Resource scarcity and the associated geopolitics and economics of gas, oil, and coal supply are key factors shaping the power market policy.







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