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海绵落球回弹试验仪  使用说明书






















海绵落球回弹试验仪  适用范围及功能:

适用于测定软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的落球式回弹性能。落球回弹是通过给定直径和质量的钢球在规定高度上自由落在泡沫塑料试样上,计算钢球回弹的最大高度与钢球落下高度比值的百分率既回弹率,以回弹率表示泡沫塑料的回弹性能。满足08标准A法和B法试验方法。主要是测试塑料泡沫材料及海绵材料的回弹性能。 落球回弹测量精度高采用微处理器进行控制,中文显示,并可打印试验数据。


(GB/T6670-2008 ISO8307 ASTM D3574 ISO8307)软质泡沫聚合材料落球法回弹性能的测定


 1、钢球回落高度:        460mm(国标) 
 2、钢球直径:       ¢16mm
 3、落球回弹率精度: <1%
 4、被测试样尺寸:    长*宽*高=100 mm?100 mm?100(50)mm



















an instruction manual

1. Place the ball rebound tester on a horizontal tabletop or ground. If the placement plane is not horizontal, use a level ruler to adjust the placement plane to horizontal first, and then check if the top panel of the ball rebound is horizontal. If it is not horizontal, adjust it to horizontal by turning the base screw (it has been adjusted when leaving the factory, but if there are changes during transportation, it needs to be adjusted again).


2. Adjust the height of the test drop according to the height to be tested, and press or remove the height adjustment block.


3. Connect the sensor data cable on the host of the ball drop rebound tester to the "data cable" interface on the control box, connect the 5V power supply to the "power" interface on the control box, and then turn on the "power switch" to supply power to the equipment.


4. Cut the sample into 100mm * 100mm * 50mm, place it on the sample platform, adjust the platform height, and clamp the sample tightly with the upper panel.


5. At this point, the instrument will display "Welcome to use the ball drop rebound testing system". Clicking "Test" will enter the interface for selecting the test height. Continuing to press the "Test" button will switch between 500mm and 460mm. When the arrow points to the corresponding height, click "OK" to enter the test interface.


At this point, the interface displays "Under Test". The steel ball is released through the steel ball release device, indicating the end of the test. If the test did not hit the wall, click "OK" to save the test results, and the test data will be valid. Otherwise, click "Cancel", and the test will be invalid.


7. Use the steel ball release device to remove the steel ball, click "Test", and the screen will display "Under Test". Continue the test for 9 valid tests, and click "Print" to print the test report.


At any time, you can use the 'back' button to invalidate all previous experiments and start anew.


9. The test report includes four parts of information: test height, test frequency, average rebound height, and average rebound rate.


10. After the experiment is completed, turn off the "power switch" to end the experiment.



Scope and Function of Application:


It is suitable for measuring the falling ball resilience of soft polyurethane foam. The springback of falling ball is to calculate the percentage of the ratio of the maximum height of the springback of the steel ball to the falling height of the steel ball, namely the springback rate, by which the springback performance of the foam plastic is expressed. Meet the testing methods of Method A and Method B in the 08 standard. It mainly tests the resilience of plastic foam materials and sponge materials. The measurement accuracy of the rebound of the falling ball is high, controlled by a microprocessor, displayed in Chinese, and the test data can be printed.


Manufacturing standards:

(GB/T6670-2008 ISO8307 ASTM D3574 ISO8307) Flexible foam polymeric materials Determination of resilience by ball falling method



Technical parameters:

1. Steel ball drop height: 460mm (national standard)

500mm (American standard)

2. Steel ball diameter:¢16mm

3. Precision of ball rebound rate:<1%

4. Tested sample size: length * width * height=100 mm ? 100 mm ? 100 (50) mm

5. Automatically calculate the average rebound height

6. Automatically calculate the average rebound rate




Main configuration:

1. One experimental host

2. One intelligent LCD control operating system

3. Two sets of steel ball release mechanisms (1 set of manual release mechanism and 1 set of automatic release mechanism)

4. A set of steel ball capture mechanism

5. One set of height adjustment mechanism

6. A set of precision photoelectric sensors

7. 4 steel balls

8. One micro printer

9. A group of horizontal calibration institutions



Packing list

1. One host


2. One control box


3. One power cord


4. One steel ball release device


5. One steel ball


6. One photoelectric sensor


8. One copy of the instruction manual

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