5KN电子拉力弯曲压缩强度试验机 Experimental steps
1. Tensile test
5KN电子拉力弯曲压缩强度试验机 One is to select the measuring range based on the sample, hang and align it with the engraved line, and adjust the buffer valve to match the measuring range. The second is to turn on the power, start the oil pump, and open the oil delivery valve to make the piston rise and fall 200mm, 2-3 times. The third step is to raise the piston by 20mm to 40mm and align the pointer with the zero position. Fourthly, adjust the moving crossbeam to the appropriate position. Close the oil delivery valve, press the "open" and "clamp" buttons on the clamp, clamp the sample, and be sure to keep the sample in a vertical position and in the middle. Adjust the indicator disk speed according to the loading speed required by the experiment. The fifth step is to open the oil delivery valve and start loading, so that the rotation speed of the pointer is basically consistent with the speed of the tracking disc. After the sample is damaged, close the oil delivery valve, record the test data, return the passive needle to zero position, and remove the fractured sample. Seven is to repeat the content from two to six and continue with the next experiment.
2. Compression test
One is to select the range based on the test block, hang and align it with the engraved line, and adjust the buffer valve to match the range. The second is to connect the power supply, start the oil pump, open the oil delivery valve to make the piston rise a section, adjust the pointer to zero, and close the oil delivery valve. Thirdly, activate the loading speed indicator and adjust the indicator disk to rotate at a certain speed according to the loading speed. Fourthly, place the test block properly. The fifth step is to quickly adjust the oil delivery valve to the corresponding position, keeping the pointer and indicator plate rotating synchronously until the test block is crushed. Close the oil delivery valve and open the oil return valve. The sixth step is to record the test data and retract the driven needle. Seven is to remove the crushed test block. Repeat the content from four to eight until all test blocks are completed.
Technical parameters:
A. Test force (kN): 5kN
B. Measurement accuracy of testing machine: Level 1 (standard version)
C. Effective force range: 2% -100% FS/
D. Resolution: 1/300000
E. Relative error of indication: ? 1%
F. Speed adjustment range: 0.05-500mm/min (stepless speed regulation)
G. Accuracy: better than ? 1% of the indicated value
H. Force control rate control range: 0.05-5% FN
I. Measurement range: 0-999mm
J. Resolution: 0.001mm
K. Measurement accuracy: better than ? 1% of the indicated value
L. Power supply, power:~220V ? 10% 50Hz 0.5kW
M. Weight (kg): 120KG
N. Usage conditions: Temperature: 10 ? C to 35 ? C; Humidity: 30% -85%;
software documentation
a. Software system: software packages in both Chinese and English for Windows 2000/XP/Win7 platforms
b. Automatic storage: Test conditions, test results, calculation parameters, and gauge position are automatically stored.
c. Automatic return: After the experiment is completed, the crossbeam of the testing machine will automatically return to the initial position of the experiment.
d. Continuous test: After setting a batch of test parameters, continuous testing can be conducted.
e. Multiple curves: Multiple different curves can be displayed on the same graph, including load displacement, load time, displacement time, stress-strain, load two-point extension, and more.
f. Curve comparison: The curves of the same group of samples can be overlaid and compared on the same graph.
g. Report editing: Different report formats can be output according to user requirements.
h. Dynamic display: During the testing process, the load, elongation, displacement, and selected test curves are dynamically displayed in real-time on the main control screen as the test progresses.
i. Automatic scaling: In the experiment, if the coordinates of the load, elongation, and other curves are not selected properly, the coordinates can be automatically changed according to the size of the measured values. Ensure that the curve is displayed in a large format on the screen under all circumstances.
j. Peak holding: Throughout the entire testing process, the maximum drunk value of the test item is displayed on the screen window as the experiment progresses.
k. Execution standards: Meet various testing methods and standards such as GB, ISO, JIS, ASTM, DIN, etc.
一是根据试样选用量程,挂好 并对准刻线,并调整缓冲阀使之与量程范围相适应。二是打开电源,启动油泵,开启送油阀让活塞上升下降200mm,2次~3次。三是让活塞上升20mm~40mm,调指针对准零位。四是调整移动横梁至适当位置。关闭送油阀,按动夹头“开”、“夹紧”按钮,夹紧试样,必须注意使试样处于铅垂并位于中间位置。按试验要求的加荷速度调整指示盘转速。五是打开送油阀开始加荷,使指针的旋转速度与跟踪盘的速度基本保持一致。六是试样破坏后,关闭送油阀,记录试验数据,将被动针拨回零位,取下断裂的试样。七是重复二到六的内容继续下一试验。
一是根据试块选用量程,挂好 并对准刻线,并调整缓冲阀使之与量程范围相适应。二是接通电源,启动油泵,打开送油阀使活塞上升一段,调指针对零,关闭送油阀。三是启动加载速度指示器,根据加载速度,调整指示盘以一定的转速旋转。四是放好试块。五是迅速将送油阀调到相应位置,应保持指针与指示盘同步旋转,直至试块压碎,关闭送油阀,打开回油阀。六是记录试验数据,拨回从动针。七是清除被压碎试块。八是重复四到八的内容直至所有试块做完。
★拉伸应力 ★拉伸强度
★扯断强度 ★扯断伸长率
★定伸应力 ★定应力伸长率
★定应力力值 ★撕裂强度
★任意点力值 ★任意点伸长率
★抽出力 ★粘合力及取峰值计算值
2 电气部分:
3 本机的几项主要功能:
3.1 全开放性参数设置
3.2 设置参数保存
3.3 浮动零点设置,可随时调整零点
3.4 峰值保持及存储,常值跟随;
3.5 在有效速度范围内,速度值任意设置;
3.6 横梁移动过程中的速度快捷切换功能
3.7 灵活的数据查询显示功能;
3.8 过载停机保护功能;
3.9 试验结束自动判断功能;
3.10 极限位置保护等;
6.1 检验用器具
a) 符合GB/T 13634—2000第7章规定的标准测力仪或力的测量准确到?0.1%以内的专用检验砝码;
b) 最大允许测量误差为?2%的同轴度自动测试仪(或准确度与其相当的其他测量装置)或重锤;
c) 表面粗糙度测试仪;
d) 洛氏硬度计;
e) 分辨力为1/100s的秒表;
f) (0~30)mm量程的1级百分表、(0~1)mm量程的1级千分表和磁力表座,1 000mm量程最大允许误差为0.2mm的钢直尺;
g) 0.02mm/m的水平仪;
h) 2级声级计;
i) 符合JB 6146-2007中6.2.1规定的引伸计标定器;
j) 绝缘电阻测试仪;
k) 耐电压测试仪;
l) 通用量具;
m) 钢制或铜与铝制的同轴度检验试样(标距不小于100mm,标距部分直径通常为10mm或12mm,标距部分与两头部的同轴度为φ0.02mm);
n) 各种试样(试样的数量应与拉力钳口的套数相同,试样的截面尺寸应适合各种圆试样和板试样的拉力钳口)。
a) 名称;
b) 型号;
c) 试验机最大容量;
d) 试验机级别;
e) 出厂日期、编号;
f) 制造厂名称或标志。
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