供应HP83640A 求购 HP83640A HP83640A谭艳飞18680185388/李S
手机: 18680185388/13415387172
电话: 15362151491/0760-22782886
客服QQ:954605954/ 837477829
The Agilent 83640A synthesized sweeper is the standard of excellence for applications requiring the high performance and accuracy of a synthesized source and the speed and versatility of a sweep oscillator. Synthesized broadband frequency coverage and precise 1 Hz frequency resolution (Opt 008) are generated by indirect synthesis, enabling the Agilent 83640A to achieve low single-sideband phase noise performance. It delivers excellent harmonic performance with harmonics at least 50 dB below the carrier from 2.0 to 26.5 GHz, and at least 40 dB below the carrier above 26.5 GHz.
· Scan modulation to simulate antenna scan patterns
· Accurate fixed and swept frequency offset for two-tone measurement
· User flatness correction for leveling at remote points in the test system
· General purpose source for use in component test, receiver test and for frequency conversion
· Frequency range: 10 MHz to 40 GHz
· Sweep modes: Step, List, Ramp
· Maximum power: < 26.5 GHz: +10 dBm
· Maximum power: > 26.5 GHz: +6.0 dBm
· Power sweep range: -20 dBm to maximum power
· Phase noise (38 GHz at 10 KHz): -70 dBc
· Max FM deviation (locked): +/- 8 MHz
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