3、链条采用重型模锻悬挂链条,轨道用工字钢,挂具带负载滑架,专制悬转挂钩,链条可采用XT-80,XT-100,XT-160型等 重型链条。
1、Is mainly used for valves and other surface coating weight of the workpiece drying curing. Run using water type, suitable for mass production. With high efficiency, less manual advantages.
2、Mainly by the curtain cabinet, drying tunnel, tracks, chains,linked with, driving seat and other components.
3、Heavy-duty forging chain hanging chain,i-beam track, hanger with load carriage, authoritarian turn hanging hooks, chains can be XT-80,XT-100,XT-160 type and other heavy chain.
4、The heating mode adopts hot air blowing or convection. Energy electricity, diesel, gas, coal, biological granular material, etc.
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