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价格:28650元浏览:143次联系:刘元元 / 15132636097 / 企业:北京北广精仪仪器设备有限公司留言店铺收藏

熔体体积流动速率测试仪器  符合标准:

GB/T 3682《热塑性塑料熔体质量流动速率和熔体体积流动速率的测定》

ISO 1133《塑料--热塑性塑料熔体质量流动速率和熔体体积流动速率的测定》

JB/T 5456《熔体流动速率仪技术条件》

熔体体积流动速率测试仪器  熔体流动速率仪(液晶显示、全自动)它采用微电脑(单片机)控制,中文操作界面,自动试验结果;用于聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)、聚甲醛(POM)、聚苯乙烯(PS)、ABS塑料、聚碳酸酯(PC)等在高温下熔体流动速率的测定 。

Complaint system and contact information

1. If you have any complaints about our service, please complain to the technical department dispatcher or maintenance department manager.

2. We are responsible for verifying the issues complained by users and will impose varying degrees of punishment on management and handling personnel. If it is not our responsibility, relevant personnel will also explain the situation to the user and help the customer solve the problem.


① temperature range温度范围:室温——400℃

② Display resolution:?0.1℃

③ Display resolution显示分辨率:0.1℃

④ Temperature recovery time温度恢复时间:小于4分钟

⑤ Cutting times切料次数:1—99次

⑥ Cutting time interval切料时间间隔:10—600秒

⑦ incubation time恒温时间:可连续工作上万小时

⑧ supply voltage电源电压:AC220V?10%   50HZ

⑨ Outline size外形尺寸:宽?厚?高=250?350?510

Technical parameters:

①Temperature range: room temperature -400℃

②Display resolution:?0.1℃

③Display resolution: 0.1℃

④Temperature recovery time: less than 4 minutes

⑤Cutting times: 1-99 times

⑥Cutting time interval: 10-600 seconds

⑦Incubation time: can work continuously for tens of thousands of hours

⑧Supply voltage: AC220V?10% 50HZ

⑨Outline size: width?thick?Height=250?three hundred and fifty?five hundred and ten



l 出料口直径:Φ2.095?0.005毫米

l 出料口长度:8.000?0.025毫米

l 装料筒直径:Φ9.550?0.025毫米

l 装料筒长度:152?0.1毫米

l 活塞杆头直径:9.475?0.015毫米



1、 如果您对我们的服务有意见,请向技术部调度员或维修部经理投诉。

2、 对用户所投诉的问题,核实是我们责任的,将对管理人员及经办人员进行不同程度的惩处。如不是我司的责任,相关人员也将向用户说明情况并帮助客户解决问题。

Compliant with standards:

GB/T 3682 "Determination of Melt Mass Flow Rate and Melt Volume Flow Rate of Thermoplastics"

ISO 1133 "Plastics - Determination of mass flow rate and volume flow rate of thermoplastic melts"

JB/T 5456 Technical Conditions for Melt Flow Rate Meters

The melt flow rate meter (LCD display, fully automatic) is controlled by a microcomputer (microcontroller), with a Chinese operation interface and automatic test results; Used for measuring the melt flow rate of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyoxymethylene (POM), polystyrene (PS), ABS plastics, polycarbonate (PC), etc. at high temperatures.

It can measure the MFR value, equipped with a printer, and has two manual and automatic cutting methods. It has the advantages of simple operation and high control accuracy.

Extrusion discharge section

Discharge port diameter:Φ2.095?0.005 mm

Discharge port length: 8.000?0.025 mm

Loading cylinder diameter:Φ9.550?0.025 mm

Loading cylinder length: 152?0.1 mm

Piston rod head diameter: 9.475?0.015 mm

Length of piston rod head: 6.350?0.100 mm


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