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英国GRIMM格林进口液化石油气泵 UK GRIMM Imported LPG pump



          进口液化石油气泵,主要用于输送液化石油气、二甲醚、氯甲烷 、环氧乙烷、丙烷、丙烯、丁二烯、异丁烯、甲醇等各种性质类似的挥发性液体及石油产品,特别使用于液化石油气的装卸车,钢瓶灌装,车间供料等工作场合。该泵为容积式叶片泵,其结构先进,定子曲面由复合曲线组成,两端采用机械密封,各固定配合端面均采用“O”型密封圈,旋转运动的配合部件均采用金属相对应非金属,具有使用安全可靠、一机多用的功能。




流    量:2-80m3/h

功    率:1.5-18.5kw

转    速:600r/min、780r/min

口    径:25-100mm

压    差:0.4~0.5MPa



材    质:铸铁、不锈钢

          主要用于输送液化石油气、二甲醚、氯甲烷 、环氧乙烷、丙烷、丙烯、丁二烯、异丁烯、甲醇等各种性质类似的挥发性液体及石油产品,特别使用于液化石油气的装卸车,钢瓶灌装,车间供料等工作场合。

UK GRIMM Imported LPG pump summary:

         Imported LPG pumps are mainly used to transport volatile liquids and petroleum products such as liquefied petroleum gas, two methyl ether, chloromethane, propylene oxide, propane, propylene, butadiene, isobutene, methanol and other volatile liquids and petroleum products, especially in liquefied petroleum gas loading and unloading trucks, steel bottle filling, and workshop feeding. The pump is a volumetric vane pump, its structure is advanced, the stator surface is composed of composite curves, mechanical seals are adopted at both ends, and the "O" sealing ring is used for each fixed end face. All the rotating components are metal relative to non metal. It has the function of safe and reliable use and multi use.

UK GRIMM Imported LPG pump working principle:

           The type of imported liquefied petroleum gas pump is a volume type vane pump, which depends on the centrifugal sliding of the blade. The flow is related to the rotational speed of the shaft. The inner surface of the stator is made of the original composite curve. The stator is composed of ten sealed cavities with the rotor, the baffle and the blade, because the stator surface is the complex curve, when the rotor is rotated, the inlet body is made. The product will gradually increase and form a suction pressure to produce the suction, and then the oil is sucked into. When the rotor rotates a certain angle, the volume section gradually decreases, thus the oil hydraulic out, and there is an oil block between the oil suction cavity and the pressure chamber to separate the oil suction cavity from the pressure chamber. The blade is tightly attached to the inner surface of the stator by centrifugal force and two baffle structure, so that the pump can work normally under rated condition.

UK GRIMM Imported LPG pump technical parameter:

Flow: 2-80m3/h

Power: 1.5-18.5kw

Speed: 600r/min, 780r/min

Caliber: 25-100mm

Pressure difference: 0.4 ~ 0.5MPa

Temperature range: -40 C ~ 40 C

Work pressure: 1.6Mpa

Material: cast iron and stainless steel

UK GRIMM Imported LPG pump application area:

        It is mainly used to convey volatile liquids and petroleum products such as liquefied petroleum gas, two methyl ether, chloromethane, propylene oxide, propane, propylene, butadiene, isobutene, methanol and other volatile liquids and petroleum products, especially in the loading and unloading vehicles of LPG, steel bottle filling, and workshop feeding.


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